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Stephanie Lepow

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    I met Dr. Hasan in August 2023 after another doctor in the practice ordered an MRI. I'd been having pain in my neck and shoulder for years, had tried multiple treatment methods, and was honestly at my wits' end. Dr. Hasan and his PA, Lester Ma, reviewed the MRI results with me and gave me options for next steps. Although I was nervous about the prospect of surgery, it was clear that it was likely the best course of action. Dr. Hasan facilitated an initial cortisol injection and then scheduled me for a December procedure, based on the best time for me to take a short medical leave. Leading up to and after the surgery, both Dr. Hasan and Lester were thorough and incredibly patient with my many questions. Though the surgery was a success, I had some inflammation and nerve issues that persisted beyond a couple of weeks. Dr. Hasan rush-ordered tests to understand what was happening, adjusted my medications as needed, and again rush-ordered some additional cortisol shots to help with the inflammation. I've never had surgery or any serious medical problems so this was all unfamiliar territory. Feeling that I had a doctor who was 100% committed to my successful recovery helped me feel calm and confident that everything would work out. I'm now in the final phase of my recovery, doing physical therapy and I can already see the positive impacts to my pain and well-being. I have every confidence that I'll be back up and running and better than ever when I finish my treatment. Given how long I was in pain (and without understanding why), I am especially grateful how quickly we moved from diagnosis to successful treatment. I would highly recommend anyone needing a spine surgeon to consider Golden State and Dr. Hasan.

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